Occurrence of mycotoxins in dried fruits worldwide, with a focus on aflatoxins and ochratoxin A: A review
September 18, 2023 | Toxins |Hailing from Universidad EAN, Colombia, and Hitit University, Turkey, this research investigates the susceptibility of dried fruits—a widely consumed and nutritious global
Feb 01, 2024
Supporting crop plant resilience during climate change
May 22, 2023 | Crop Science |Hailing from The University of Western Australia and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, this study delves into the critical intersection of climate change, agriculture,
From the classroom to the farm: a lesson plan that promotes smallholder farmers’ education and training about plant pathology in the context of climate change
October 16, 2023 | Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education |The global menace of climate change poses a substantial threat to agricultural productivity, especially impacting smallholder farmers in
Fast recognition and counting method of dragon fruit flowers and fruits based on video stream
October 13, 2023 | Sensors |Conducted by Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia, this study delves into the genetic diversity of Durian (Durio zibethinus L.)—a fruit known for its unparalleled genetic
Dec 28, 2023
Influence of silver nanoparticles on postharvest disease, pericarp hardening, and quality of mangosteen
July 10, 2023 | Postharvest Biology and Technology |Conducted by King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand, this study addresses the pressing postharvest issue of fruit rot in mangost
Nov 23, 2023
Genetic characterization of superior durian (<span style="font-style:italic;">Durio zibethinus</span> L.) accessions in Batang District, Central Java, Indonesia based on ISSR markers
September, 2023 |Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization |Conducted by Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia, this study delves into the genetic diversity of Durian (Durio zibethinus L.)—a f
Nov 23, 2023
Irrigation alternatives for avocado (<span style="font-style:italic;">Persea americana</span> Mill.) in the Mediterranean Subtropical region in the context of climate change: A Review
May 12, 2023 | International |Conducted by IFAPA Centro, Spain, this study addresses the water-intensive nature of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) cultivation, especially pertinent in water-deficient
Oct 26, 2023
Multi-parameter index for durian maturity and its prediction using miniature near infrared spectrometer
July 31, 2023 | Postharvest Biology and Technology |Conducted by UCSI University, Malaysia, this study delves into transforming durian waste into functional food ingredients, addressing the environmen
Oct 26, 2023
Physicochemical Characterization and Immunomodulatory Potential of Polysaccharides from <span style="font-style:italic;">Hylocereus undatus</span> (Dragon Fruit) Flowers
November 1, 2023 | International Journal of Biological Macromolecules |Researchers from the South China University of Technology conducted a study to unravel the therapeutic potential of polysaccharid
Oct 26, 2023