Identifying impacts & adaptation strategies for tropical fruit farms affected by extreme weather events in sub-tropical Australia: Stakeholders’ insights

February 14, 2024 | Heliyon |

A study conducted by CQUniversity, Rockhampton, Australia, examined the effects of extreme weather events (EWEs) on tropical fruit farming businesses in sub-tropical Australia. The Central Queensland region, highly susceptible to global climate change, has recently experienced severe weather, causing concerns about the financial resilience and sustainability of farming enterprises. Although research has explored the biophysical impacts of EWEs on certain fruit crops, little is known about their business impacts on tropical fruits. This study aimed to fill this gap by analyzing stakeholder perceptions and adaptation strategies within the tropical fruit farming supply chain.

Through in-depth interviews with key stakeholders, the study revealed that EWEs in the past five years have significantly affected farming businesses and related industries. It highlighted barriers to resilience, such as farmers’ limited awareness of available adaptation options. The findings also emphasized the need for improved strategic planning, collaboration among government and industry players, and enhanced support for farmers in terms of training, tools, and technologies. This research offers valuable insights for stakeholders, policymakers, and researchers, especially in tropical coastal communities affected by increasing EWEs.

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