An analysis of fruit carried into a quarantine area and an evaluation of infestation rate by Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae)

March 01, 2024 | Crop Protection |

A study conducted by the NSW Department of Primary Industries investigated the risk of new Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) establishments in pest-free areas due to fruit carried by road travelers. Previous studies focused on the quantity of fruit transported, but little was known about infestation rates. The researchers assessed 989 fruit consignments seized on three major roads entering the Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone for infestation.

They found that 1.01% of consignments were infested with tephritid fruit flies, but only 0.2% were infested enough with Queensland fruit fly to potentially trigger new outbreaks. The most commonly carried fruit types included stone fruits, tomatoes, pome fruits, citrus, bananas, and tropical fruits. Using their data, the researchers estimated that 1,148 infested consignments entered the zone annually, with 227 vehicles carrying enough Queensland fruit flies to pose a significant risk.

These findings provide valuable insights for quarantine zone managers to improve risk mitigation strategies and prevent the establishment of Queensland fruit flies in pest-free areas.

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