Characterization and differentiation of three rambutan seed oils using metabolomics coupled with chemometric methodology

July 08, 2024 | Food Bioscience |

Researchers from Hainan University, China, conducted a comprehensive metabolomic analysis of rambutan seed oil, a potential source of edible vegetable oil with limited existing research on its metabolite profile. The study aimed to characterize and compare the metabolite profiles of seed oils from three rambutan cultivars using integrated metabolomics and chemometric approaches. A total of 544 metabolites were identified, with lipids and terpenoids being the most prevalent. The analysis revealed significant compositional differences among the varieties: BR-7 had high flavonoid content, BR-4 was rich in organic acids and derivatives, while BR-5 exhibited the lowest levels of amino acids and derivatives. Chemometric modeling identified 42 differential metabolites, with isoricinoleic acid showing positive correlations with many of these metabolites. KEGG pathway analysis indicated that alpha-linolenic acid metabolism was the dominant metabolic pathway. The findings highlight distinct metabolite profiles in the seed oils of the three rambutan cultivars, offering insights into potential functional applications and further research opportunities for rambutan seed oil.

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