Experts share technologies on fruit tree production under climate change at the 2022 FFTC-TARI-MJU Symposium, Chiang Mai

The 2022 FFTC-TARI-MJU Symposium “Trends and Opportunities of Displacement of Fruit Tree Production Areas under Climate Change” was successfully conducted on November 28-29, 2022. This workshop was jointly organized by FFTC and Taiwan Agriculture Research Institute (TARI) - Fengshan Tropical Horticultural Experiment Branch, and Maejo University (MJU) in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

The MoA signing between TARI-Fengshan and MJU kicked off at the first day of the said event. Eight speakers from 5 countries (Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan and Thailand) shared their experiences and work on fruit production especially on the topics of coping with the challenges of climate change. The symposium concluded the following strategies to respond to changing climate effects on fruit production: climate pattern prediction, adoption of adaptation and mitigation measures; use of micronutrients and chemical elements to improve pollen viability, pollen tube growth and fruit-setting, good fruit production practices such as multistorey cropping and appropriate nutrients, water, pests, and canopy management through pruning, adoption of smart fruit production system, and a review of existing land use to ensure its suitability and sustainability for fruit crop production.

On the second day, the group visited (1) off-season grape, persimmon, and pear production at Pomology Division of MJU ; (2) the commercial mango and longan farms at the Home of Cowboy Farm where the place also served as a learning center for students to develop their entrepreneurial skills from planning, production to postharvest and markets; (3) the organic pomelo, grapefruit, mulberry, cacao, lemon farms in the Uraiwan Organic Farm in Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai.

More than 125 people from 14 countries registered for online participation. The top ten countries are: the Philippines 47.3%, Thailand 14.7%, Taiwan 10.9%, Malaysia 7.8%, Vietnam 4.7%, India 3.9%, and others – Burma, Japan, Lao PDR, Nigeria, Indonesia, Pakistan, US, and Belgium. Around 40-50 people participated in person at the Furama Hotel in Chiang Mai, Thailand.  

For more information, please visit workshop pages at

MOA signing between Fengshan Tropical Horticulture Experimental Branch of Taiwan Agriculture Research institute and Faculty of Agricultural Production, MJU, Thailand. Left 3rd: Dr. Wen-Li Lee, TARI; 4th: President of MJU, 5th: Vice President of MJU, 6th: Dr. Su-San Chang, FFTC and 7th: Vice President of MJU. November 28, 2022

Field visit to the experimental field at Division of Pomology, MJU. November 29, 2022

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Experts share technologies on fruit tree production under climate change at the 2022 FFTC-TARI-MJU Symposium, Chiang Mai
The 2022 FFTC-TARI-MJU Symposium “Trends and Opportunities of Displacement of Fruit Tree Production Areas under Climate Change” was successfully conducted on November 28-29, 2022. This workshop was jo
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