The 2023 VAAS-FFTC joint workshop highlighted mango and durian value chains & market development in the Asian and Pacific region

Group photo of 2023 VAAS-FFTC Workshop, June 14


The 2023 VAAS-FFTC joint workshop “Market Development of Mango and Durian Value Chains” was successfully conducted online on June 14, 2023. This workshop was jointly organized by FFTC, Vietnam Academy of Agriculture Sciences (VAAS) and Southern Horticultural Research Institute (SOFRI) of Vietnam, and Taiwan Agriculture Research Institute (TARI) - Fengshan Tropical Horticultural Experiment Branch.

This workshop invited 9 speakers from 7 countries (Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Vietnam) to discuss trends and advanced techniques in production, cold storage, processing and marketing of mango and durian under climate change and called for international collaborations. Continuous exchange of knowledge and experiences and increases public awareness on the health benefits of tropical fruit, coupled with globalization and improved transportation networks and cold chains will contribute to the expansion of tropical fruit markets.

The workshop garnered significant interest, with nearly 100 online participants representing various countries, including Vietnam (31%), Malaysia (23%), Taiwan, the Philippines, Bangladesh, India, Burma, Cambodia, and Thailand. The majority (76%) of attendees were from the public sector, and the rest belonged to private sectors, non-profit organizations, and international institutes.

The workshop was also livestreamed on FFTC’s official Facebook websites (English). All the workshop papers and PPT presentations will soon be shared on the FFTC Knowledge Management Platform and FFTC workshop page for open access.

For more information, please visit FFTC workshop pages at

Livestreamed videos in English


Presentation delivered by Mr. Peter Johnson

Q&A session after the presentation of Dr. Wen-Li Lee

Close remark delivered by FFTC Director Dr. Su-San Chang and VAAS President Dr. Nguyen-Hong Son respectively

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