From the classroom to the farm: a lesson plan that promotes smallholder farmers’ education and training about plant pathology in the context of climate change

October 16, 2023 | Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education |

The global menace of climate change poses a substantial threat to agricultural productivity, especially impacting smallholder farmers in tropical regions, as highlighted by a study conducted at the University of Arizona, USA. In response to the vulnerability of these farmers to extreme climate events, diseases, and pests, the research emphasizes the necessity of understanding their educational requirements. A crucial step in enhancing the adaptive capabilities of smallholders involves providing them with increased access to information on climate change through education and training initiatives. A groundbreaking contribution to this endeavor is the development of a plant pathology lesson plan, strategically crafted to introduce core concepts in plant pathology and disease management. Utilizing diverse educational activities centered around experiential and collaborative learning, this innovative lesson plan holds promising implications for fortifying the adaptive resilience of smallholder farmers and expanding educational opportunities for marginalized farming communities globally.

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