NT provides over half of Australia’s mangoes

January 22, 2024 | Retail World Magazine|

The Northern Territory (NT) in Australia has emerged as the top grower of high-quality mangoes, contributing over 51% of the country's total production, according to recent data. The 2023–2024 mango season saw 3.41 million trays of mangoes picked and packed in the NT, a slight increase from 49% in 2022. The mango industry in the NT supports over 2,000 direct jobs, with 23,926 tonnes of mangoes picked during the season across 6,350 hectares of mango farmland. Mangoes remain the largest horticulture export crop for the NT, with strong partnerships in local and overseas markets, including the Middle East, Singapore, New Zealand, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Canada. The NT government continues to invest in the mango industry, supporting nine research and development projects focused on genetics, climate resilience, variety evaluation, geographical diversification, postharvest quality, shelf-life prediction, and building industry innovation and capability.

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