A review of the carbon sequestration potential of fruit trees and their implications for climate change mitigation: The case of Ethiopia

January 08, 2024 | Cogent Food & Agriculture |

Conducted by Debre Markos University in Ethiopia, this review examines the carbon sequestration potential of fruit trees and its implications for climate change mitigation. While fruit crops are crucial for both food security and climate change mitigation, their impact on carbon sequestration is not extensively studied. Fruit trees utilize photosynthesis to absorb atmospheric CO2 and convert it into cellulose, thereby reducing atmospheric CO2 levels.

The Horn of Africa, particularly Ethiopia, faces significant climate challenges, including unpredictable weather patterns leading to floods and droughts, which adversely affect agriculture. The study highlights the dramatic rise in atmospheric CO2 levels, largely attributed to human activities.

Despite their potential for carbon storage, fruit trees are underutilized in Ethiopian farms, with limited cultivation primarily in homestead areas. However, fruit trees have been shown to sequester significant amounts of carbon, with both above- and below-ground biomass contributing to carbon storage.

The study underscores the importance of integrating fruit trees into agroforestry practices for carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation. It suggests that promoting the adoption of versatile fruit trees can simultaneously address food security, nutrition, carbon sequestration, and climate change mitigation goals, requiring both political and economic sustainability measures.

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