Mangosteen yield and fruit quality under regulated irrigation with sensors and IoT

June, 2024 | Journal of Human, Earth and Future |

A study conducted jointly by researchers from Walailak University, Thailand, and the University of Alaska Fairbanks, United States, assessed how smart irrigation systems influence both the quantity and quality of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) production. Mangosteen is a significant export for Thailand, generating over 88 billion USD annually, but production is hindered by fruit defects. The study investigated whether regulating stable soil water content through sensors, IoT, and real-time data collection could improve mangosteen yields and reduce defects.

The research compared climate, soil, and mangosteen parameters between irrigated and non-irrigated trees, collecting data from twenty randomly selected trees per treatment. Results indicated that irrigated trees had lower air and soil temperatures, higher relative humidity, and increased soil moisture compared to non-irrigated trees. While there was no significant difference in trunk diameter or crown size, irrigation significantly increased flowering, fruit yield, and weight. However, irrigated fruits had thinner peels, fewer pulp segments, and higher susceptibility to imperfections. Despite these changes, the mean fruit circumference was similar between treatments. Overall, irrigated trees produced higher-quality mangosteens with fewer defects, demonstrating that smart irrigation systems can effectively enhance mangosteen production by maintaining stable soil moisture levels.

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