Four fruits help shore up Thailand’s export growth in May

June 23, 2024 | The Naiton |

Thailand's export growth in May was significantly boosted by four key fruits: durian, mangosteen, longan, and mango, as reported by the Commerce Ministry. These fruits increased the country's exports by 7.2%, totaling 960.22 billion baht. Durian exports rose to 83.059 billion baht, mangosteen to 9.904 billion baht, longan to 6.367 billion baht, and mango to 3.127 billion baht, all showing substantial year-on-year growth.

Despite this growth, experts warn of potential declines in durian cultivation due to the El Niño phenomenon. Kasikorn Research Centre estimates an 18% decrease in durian production from April to August, with the Eastern region expecting a 14% drop and the Southern region a 25% drop, primarily due to low rainfall affecting flowering and harvesting conditions.

As a result, the total durian yield may decrease to 0.96 million tonnes, despite an anticipated 22% increase in average prices. However, the overall income for durian farmers might only see a 0.3% increase due to the significant yield drop. Rising costs for fertilizers, water pumps, sprinklers, and fuel add further financial pressure on farmers, potentially offsetting gains from higher prices.

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