Are Thailand's mangosteen and durian complementary in the global market?

June 06, 2024 | AGRARIS: Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development Research |

A study conducted by Kasetsart University, Thailand, explored the potential of Thailand's durian fruit to complement mangosteen in the global market. Mangosteen is a significant agricultural export for Thailand, contributing to income and employment in the agricultural sector. The research utilized a Poisson maximum likelihood model with country-pair and time-fixed effects, analyzing data across eight different cases.

The findings indicate that durian does indeed complement mangosteen in the international market. Based on these results, the study suggests that Thai mangosteen exporters should adopt high pricing strategies and target upper-middle-income and high-income countries. Additionally, promoting durian alongside mangosteen could enhance market presence.

The research emphasizes the importance of improving the skills of mangosteen farmers to increase yield and quality, ensuring competitiveness in the global market. This study provides valuable insights for enhancing Thailand's agricultural exports by leveraging the complementary relationship between durian and mangosteen.

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