Social influence and climate change issues affecting consumer behavioral intention toward carbon footprint label: A study of Taiwanese consumers
March 10, 2024 | Journal of Cleaner Production | Source | Introduction: In response to global climate change concerns, efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have intensified, carbon footpri
Statistical inference method for Korean low-carbon certificate criteria of agricultural products to reflect uncertain conditions
April 20, 2023 | Journal of Cleaner Production | Source | Introduction: South Korea aims to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 7.9% by 2030 in agriculture, forestry, and livestock industries, an
Socio-demographic and cross-country differences in attention to sustainable certifications and changes in food consumption
June 1, 2024 | npj Science of Food | Source | Introduction: An Italian research team led University of Turin investigated how food labels and consumer awareness impact sustainable eating habits and re
Climate change mitigation potential in dietary guidelines: A global review
September 1, 2023 | Sustainable Production and Consumption | Source | Introduction: A research team led by researchers from Università della Svizzera italiana in Switzerland analyzed 93 food-based die
An overview of the interactions between food production and climate change
September 10, 2022 | Science of The Total Environment | Source | Introduction: A global research consortium from UK, Portugal, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Nigeria, Japan, Uruguary, Serbia explores how fo
California dominates U.S. emissions of the pesticide and potent greenhouse gas sulfuryl fluoride
February 28, 2024 | Communications Earth & Environment | Source | Introduction: Despite its global warming impact, sulfuryl fluoride (SO2F2) is not currently regulated under major international climat
Carbon mitigation in agriculture: Pioneering technologies for a sustainable food system
May 1, 2024 | Trends in Food Science & Technology | Source | Introduction: Agriculture significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, affecting climate change and global food security. Researc
Mitigating environmental burden of the refrigerated transportation sector: Carbon footprint comparisons of commonly used refrigeration systems and alternative cold storage systems
October 20, 2022 | Journal of Cleaner Production | Source | Introduction: The cold chain in modern food systems helps reduce food waste but increases energy use, contributing to GHG emissions. Refrige
Nonthermal technologies to maintain food quality and carbon footprint minimization in food processing: A review
November 1, 2023 | Trends in Food Science & Technology | Source | Introduction: Researchers from National Chung Hsing University and National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology in Taiwan c
Promoting resilient and sustainable food systems: A systematic literature review on short food supply chains
January 5, 2024 | Journal of Cleaner Production | Source | Introduction: Researchers from China, UK, Czech Republic, and Pakistan conducts a literature review on Short Food Supply Chain (SFSC) model,
Global energy use and carbon emissions from irrigated agriculture
April 10, 2023 | Nature Communications | Source | Introduction: Researchers from US and China quantify the global impact of irrigation on energy use and carbon emissions, and provide a roadmap for pol
Cost-competitive decentralized ammonia fertilizer production can increase food security
May 16, 2024 | Nature Food | Source | Introduction: The current ammonia production is centralized in large chemical manufacturing facilities, making nitrogen fertilizer production vulnerable to high t
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