Challenges and solutions for sustainable food systems: The potential of home hydroponics
January 17, 2024 | Journal of Cleaner Production | Source | Introduction: The world's population, increasingly concentrated in urban areas, poses challenges to sustainability and food security. Wi
Fertilizer management for global ammonia emission reduction
January 31, 2024 | Nature | Source | Introduction: Crop production contributes significantly to atmospheric ammonia (NH3) emissions, which pose risks to air quality, human health, and ecosystems. Howe
The quantification of carbon footprints in the agri-food sector and future trends for carbon sequestration: A systematic literature review
November 03, 2023 | Sustainability | Source | Introduction: The global necessity to address greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the agri-food sector while meeting the demand for quality food presents
Energy flow modeling and life cycle assessment of apple juice production: Recommendations for renewable energies implementation and climate change mitigation
February 10, 2020 | Journal of Cleaner Production | Source | Introduction: The demand for food due to population growth has led to the industrialization of food production, particularly in sectors lik
What contributes more to life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of farm produce: Production, transportation, packaging, or food loss?
January 01, 2022 | Resources, Conservation and Recyling | Source | Introduction: Addressing the global challenge of feeding a growing population sustainably, reseachers from University of California,
The nitrogen footprint of Swedish food consumption
September 29, 2022 | Environmental Research Letters | Source |  Introduction: The food we eat has far-reaching impacts on both the environment and our health. While much of the environmental strain or
Seaweed's contribution to food security in low- and middle-income countries: Benefits from production, processing and trade
June 01, 2023 |Global Food Security | Source | Introduction: Calls are rising for food system transformation to meet both human and planetary goals. Challenges include reducing greenhouse gas emission
Crop residue management challenges, opportunities and way forward for sustainable food-energy security in India: A review
April 01, 2023 | Soil and Tillage Research | Source | Introduction: Crop residues, abundant in India, offer valuable nutrients for agriculture. However, their improper disposal, often through burning,
Towards food supply chain resilience to environmental shocks
December 21, 2020 | Nature Food | Source | Introduction:  Environmental changes, from climate shifts to extreme events, threaten food systems globally, affecting production, distribution, and consumpt
Mar 29, 2024
Food systems are responsible for a third of global anthropogenic GHG emissions
March 08, 2021 | Nature Food | Source | Introduction: European Commission Joint Research Centre has developed a new global food emissions database, EDGAR-FOOD, which estimates greenhouse gas (GHG) emi
Rice cultivation and processing: Highlights from a life cycle thinking perspective
May 01, 2023 | Science of The Total Environment | Source | Introduction: Rice is a major food for over half the world, mostly grown in Asia. However, its cultivation harms the environment, emitting CO
A horizon scan of global biological conservation issues for 2024
December 18, 2023 | Trends in Ecology & Evolution |  Introduction: Horizon scanning, a method aimed at identifying emerging threats and opportunities ahead of time, has become essential in conservatio
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