Open Data
Net Zero Tracker
Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit| Source | Data |  The Net Zero Tracker is a collaboration among four esteemed organizations—The Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU), the Data-Driven EnviroLab
EDGAR-FOOD: A global emission inventory of GHGs and air pollutants from the food systems
European Commission| Source | Data | Guide |The global food system encompasses various economic sectors and significantly contributes to anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollutant emissions.
Farm Carbon Toolkit
UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs| Source | Guide |The Farm Carbon Toolkit, established by farmers for farmers, aims to enhance understanding and action on greenhouse gas emissions i
The MacKay Carbon Calculator
UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs| Source | Data | Guide |The MacKay Carbon Calculator is a tool designed to help users understand and predict future energy consumption and greenhous
UK Agri-climate report 2023
UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs| Source | Data | Guide |The Agri-climate statistics report is an annual publication providing updated data on how UK farming affects climate change.
U.S. Gridded Methane Emissions
US EPA| Source | Data | Guide |The gridded EPA U.S. methane greenhouse gas inventory (gridded methane GHGI) provides detailed maps of annual methane emissions across the contiguous United States (CONU
Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks
US EPA| Source | Data | The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the Draft Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2022 for public review and comment, as announced in
Adaptation, biodiversity and carbon mapping tool (ABC-map)
Food and Agricultural Organiztion of the United Nations| Source | Data | Guide |The world faces interconnected crises—climate change, biodiversity loss, and land degradation—threatening sustainable de
FAO climate risk toolbox
Food and Agricultural Organiztion of the United Nations| Source | Data | Guide |The Climate Risk Toolbox (CRTB) is a freely accessible resource hosted on the Hand-in-Hand geospatial platform, develope
COP28 agriculture, food and climate national action toolkit
COP28 UAE| Source | Data | The COP28 Food Systems and Agriculture Agenda, established in 2023 by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Presidency, emphasizes the critical role of transforming food and agricu
SENSES toolkit & the role of land for food production and climate protection
European Commission| Source | Data | The SENSES Toolkit is a distinctive set of user-centric visualization tools designed for understanding climate change scenario knowledge. This collection encompass
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Partnership - Climate toolbox and good practice database
NDC Partnership| Source | Climate Toolbox | Good Practice Database | Guide |The NDC Partnership unites over 200 members, including 120+ countries and 80+ institutions, to address climate change and ac
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