Open Data
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC)
The European Soil Data Center | Source | Data hub | The European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) is a comprehensive repository of soil-related information and datasets, offering a wealth of resources primari
Oct 29, 2023
FAO Soils Portal
FAO | Source | Data hub | The FAO Soils portal serves as an invaluable source of information and knowledge encompassing the various components and facets of soils. It underscores the significance and
Oct 29, 2023
Soil Geographic Databases from ISRIC
ISRIC | Source | Data | ISRIC – World Soil Information is an independent foundation with a mission to serve the international community as a custodian of global soil information. It supports soil data
Oct 29, 2023
Roboflow Universe - Top Agriculture Datasets
Roboflow | Source | Database Founded in January 2020, Roboflow is on a mission to simplify computer vision for developers. They streamline data labeling and model training, making machine learning acc
Hackster | Source | Database   Farmery, born in November 2020, is an open-source smart farm management system powered by NodeJS, Vue.JS, and MongoDB. Its genesis arose from a global mission to equip f
LiteFarm | Source "LiteFarm" serves as a no-cost, open-source solution tailored to the needs of both existing and aspiring sustainable farms. Developed through a collaborative effort involving farmers
Tania - Open Source Farm Management Software
Tania | Source | Database  Tania is a farmer's journal that operates on an open-source framework, built using Go, Vue.JS, and SQLite technologies. This innovative journaling system originated in N
Ireland’ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine – Open Data
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland | Source The Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine proudly presents its Open Data Portal, a valuable and extensive resource encompassi
FAO Tools for Greenhouse Gas Assessments
FAO | Source Tools for greenhouse gas assessmentsA series of tools and databases to support countries in assessing GHG emissions and removals from the agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU)
FAOLEX Database
FAO | Source FAOLEX is a database of national legislation, policies and bilateral agreements on food, agriculture and natural resources management. It is constantly being updated, with an average of 8
Aug 27, 2023
Global Agricultural Research Data Innovation Acceleration Network (GARDIAN)
CGIAR | Source | Database GARDIAN, as a flagship data harvester for CGIAR, plays a pivotal role in facilitating the discovery of publications and datasets spanning across more than thirty institutiona
Carbon calculator
Solagro | Source | Login The "Carbon Calculator" is a user-friendly and comprehensive software tool developed as part of a project aimed at assessing and promoting carbon-neutral or low-emission farmi
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