Agricultural Soil Carbon Credits: Making sense of protocols for carbon sequestration and net greenhouse gas removals
Environmental Defense Fund | Source | Download | Agriculture impacts climate change through greenhouse gas emissions and land use changes but also holds potential for mitigation through soil organic c
VM0042 Methodology for Improved Agricultural Land Management v2.0
VERRA | Source | Download | Verra, a leading organization in voluntary carbon markets, developed the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program to ensure the credibility of GHG emission reductions. The ve
Aug 27, 2024
Setting up and implementing result-based carbon farming mechanisms in the EU Technical guidance handbook
European Commission | Source | Download |  The Technical Guidance Handbook provides essential support for developing result-based payment schemes for carbon farming in the EU. Funded by the European C
Sustainable Farming Scheme (UK Welsh)
UK Welsh Government | Source | Outline Proposals | Summary of Responses | With the UK's exit from the EU ending the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the Welsh  Government has sought to redefine i
Framework for Voluntary Carbon Market in Agriculture Sector
India Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare | Source | Download | India's agriculture sector is a cornerstone of the economy, employing 54.6% of the workforce and contributing 18.6% of the
Japan - FY2023 White Paper on Food, Agriculture, and Rural Areas
Japan Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries | Source   | Download |  Introduction: The "Trends in Food, Agriculture, and Rural Areas FY 2023" report, annually submitted to the Japanese Parli
Australia - AgriVision 2050 - Tasmania Government Policies
Tasmanian Government, Australia | Source | Download | Introduction: To meet the food demands of a projected 9 billion people by 2050, Tasmania must leverage its agricultural strengths—such as rich soi
Towards Sustainable Food Consumption
European Commission | Source | Download | Introduction: The European Commission’s Farm to Fork strategy, launched in 2020, marks a pivotal step towards sustainable governance of the EU’s food systems.
Germany - Core Area Strategy – Sustainable Agri-Food Systems
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development | Source | Download | Introduction: To ensure sufficient, safe, and nutritious food for all within planetary boundaries, agricultural and food
Renewable energy for agri-food systems: Towards the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement
United Nations | Source | Download | Introduction: The world’s energy and food systems need transformation to meet growing demand, become inclusive, secure, sustainable, and align with the 2030 Agenda
FAO Report - Sustainable food cold chains
Food and Agricultural Organiztion of the United Nations | Source | Download | Introduction: Issue: Inefficient food cold chains contribute significantly to global food loss and waste, exacerbating hun
Jul 26, 2024
Towards resilient food systems: Implications of supply chain disruptions and policy responses
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development| Source   | Download | Food supply chains face increasing threats from extreme weather, trade restrictions, and geopolitical conflicts, compounded
Jul 15, 2024
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