Securing Sustainable Food Systems: The Role of Technology and Innovation
World Farmers Organization| Source   | Download | Innovation in agriculture is essential for enhancing production quality and achieving sustainability while maintaining productivity and farm income. T
Renewable energy for agri-food systems: Towards the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement
United Nations | Source | Download | Global energy and food systems face increasing demands amidst environmental and societal pressures. Agri-food systems alone consume 30% of global energy and contri
Jul 15, 2024
The agreement on a green transition of the agricultural sector (Denmark)
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark| Source | Download | Denmark has set a global benchmark in organic farming since introducing its first organic law in 1987, pioneering organic le
Policy on preventing nitrogen and phosphorus pollution
European Commission| Source | Download | Nitrogen and phosphorus (NP) pollution poses significant environmental and health challenges across the EU, impacting water quality, soil health, and biodivers
Actions to transform food systems under climate change
CGIAR | Source  | Download | The current state of global food systems is inadequate, marked by failures in production, nutrition, equity, and environmental sustainability. Climate change exacerbates t
UK third National Adaptation Programme (NAP3)
UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs | Source  | Download | The UK's NAP3 outlines a comprehensive strategy over the next five years to enhance the country's resilience to clima
Agricultural Land Protection: An Essential Tool for Fighting Climate Change
American Farmland Trust | Source  | Download | Agricultural conservation easements are pivotal in preserving productive farmland from development, safeguarding food security, and bolstering rural econ
FDTP: towards consistent, accurate and accessible environmental impact quantification for the agri-food industry
UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs| Source | The Food Data Transparency Partnership (FDTP) is a collaborative initiative involving the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC), th
Jun 13, 2024
Recipe for a Livable Planet: Achieving Net Zero Emissions in the Agrifood System
World Bank | Source | Download  | The "Recipe for a Livable Planet" presents the first comprehensive global strategic framework aimed at mitigating the agrifood system's significant contributions
Transition pathway for the agri-food industrial ecosystem
European Commission | Source | Download | The agri-food ecosystem encompassing various actors from farmers to retailers, contributing €602.9 billion to the EU economy and creating 16 million jobs. Its
Jun 13, 2024
The Food Service Playbook for Promoting Sustainable Food Choices
World Resources Institute | Source | Download | Daily food choices significantly impact climate change and biodiversity loss. The food service sector, including restaurants, canteens, cafés, and cater
EU Farm to Fork strategy
European Commission| Source | Download | The Farm to Fork Strategy, a core component of the European Green Deal, aims at transforming food systems into equitable, healthy, and eco-friendly models. It
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