Carbon Sequestration
Size, distribution, and vulnerability of the global soil inorganic carbon
April 11, 2024 | Science | Source | Introduction: Recent evidence challenges the traditional view of soil inorganic carbon (SIC) as stable, revealing rapid dynamics impacting soil health and carbon cy
Implication of the new VCS jurisdictional and nested REDD methodology on baselines of existing avoided deforestation projects
February 01, 2024 | Journal of Environmental Management | Source | Introduction: Forest conservation, vital in combating climate change, absorbs and stores CO2, mitigating emissions. REDD (Reducing Em
The status of forest carbon markets in Latin America
February 14, 2024 | Journal of Environmental Management | Source | Introduction: Latin America is pivotal in global efforts to combat deforestation and climate change through initiatives like the Glas
Forest carbon market-based mechanisms in India: Learnings from global design principles and domestic barriers to implementation
January 01, 2024 | Ecological Indicators | Source | Introduction: Forest carbon markets (FCMs) offer a way to combat climate change by valuing forests as carbon sinks. India aims to utilize its vast f
Action needed to make carbon offsets from forest conservation work for climate change mitigation
August 24, 2023 | Science | Source | Introduction: Researchers from Europe and the Americas evaluated the effectiveness of voluntary REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
Expert review of the science underlying nature-based climate solutions
March 21, 2024 | Nature Climate Change | Source |Introduction: Viable nature-based climate solutions (NbCS) are crucial for achieving international climate goals. Researchers from US and UK, led by En
Overcoming the coupled climate and biodiversity crises and their societal impacts
April 21, 2023 | Science | Source | Introduction: Humanity is facing severe social and ecological impacts due to climate change and biodiversity loss, which are deeply interconnected. Based on extensi
Biophysical and economic constraints on China’s natural climate solutions
August 18, 2022 | Nature Climate Change | Source | Introduction: An international research consortium led by researchers from Chinese Academy of Sciences evaluates the climate chanage mitigation effec
Using the system of environmental-economic accounting ecosystem accounting for policy: A case study on forest ecosystems
February 01, 2024 | Environmental Science & Technology | Source | Introduction: Ensuring effective policy-making requires robust scientific knowledge and reliable environmental data. However, challeng
Credit credibility threatens forests
May 04, 2023 | Science | Source | Introduction: Cambridge Centre for Carbon Credits based in UK, in collaboration with researchers from UK, Netherlands, US, Brazil reviewed the current state of carbon
Carbon farming, overestimated negative emissions and the limits to emissions trading in land-use governance: the EU carbon removal certification proposal
April 10, 2024 | Environmental Science Europe | Source | Introduction: Researchers from University of Rostock in Germany examine the European Commission's proposal for a certification framework fo
Co-benefits of preserving urban farmland as climate change adaptation strategy: An emergy approach
October 01, 2023 | Ecological Indicators | Introduction: Urban farms can offer essential ecosystem services as part of urban green infrastructure (UGI), contributing to climate adaptation, offering be