Carbon Sequestration
Evaluating carbon sink potential of forest ecosystems under different climate change scenarios in Yunnan, Southwest Chin
Evaluating carbon sink potential of forest ecosystems under different climate change scenarios in Yunnan, Southwest China
Deep tillage enhanced soil organic carbon sequestration in China: A meta-analysis
Journal of Cleaner Production | May 1 2023To combat rising carbon dioxide (CO2) levels, soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration is being explored as a solution. Deep tillage (DT) is a method that can
Magnitude and efficiency of straw return in building up soil organic carbon: A global synthesis integrating the impacts of agricultural managements and environmental conditions
Science of The Total Environment | June 1, 2023Straw return (SR) is a climate-smart agricultural practice recommended for enhancing soil organic carbon (SOC). To assess its effectiveness, researchers
Cropland carbon stocks driven by soil characteristics, rainfall and elevation
Science of The Total Environment | March 1, 2023Soil organic carbon (SOC) is crucial for mitigating climate change by influencing CO2 levels. Researchers from China Agricultural University and Univers
Management-induced changes in soil organic carbon and related crop yield dynamics in China's cropland
Global Change Biology | April 6, 2023Researchers from China Agricultural University conducted a study to understand how specific farming practices affect soil health and crop productivity in the face
Microbial necromass under global change and implications for soil organic matter
March 19, 2023 | Global Change Biology | Microbes play a crucial role in soil health and the cycling of carbon and nutrients. One important aspect of these microbes is their "necromass," the remains o
Carbon for soils, not soils for carbon
January 16, 2023 | Global Change Biology | Introduction: The concept of soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration as a solution to both climate change and food insecurity is gaining attention. Scientist
A global synthesis of biochar's sustainability in climate-smart agriculture - Evidence from field and laboratory experiments
February 01, 2023 | Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews | Introduction: Biochar, a proposed solution to combat greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in agriculture and boost crop yields sustainably, has