Policy Incentives, Financing, Pricing
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Coupled coordination and pathway analysis of food security and carbon emission efficiency under climate-smart agriculture orientation
October 20, 2024 | Science of The Total Environment | Source | Introduction: Researchers from Beijing Institute of Technology examine and compare the coordination between the two objectives of food se
Scaling smallholder tree cover restoration across the tropics
September 1, 2022 | Global Environmental Change | Source | Introduction: Restoring tree cover in tropical countries could significantly benefit millions of smallholders by improving incomes and enviro
Managing tree-crops for climate mitigation. An economic evaluation trading-off carbon sequestration with market goods
July 1, 2021 | Sustainable Production and Consumption | Source | Introduction: Climate change considerations needs to be integrated into circular economy by having consumers pay for nature-based solut
Promoting net-zero economy through climate-smart agriculture: transition towards sustainability
June 27, 2023 | Sustainability Science | Source | Introduction: Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) offers a pathway to achieve a net-zero economy by balancing agricultural productivity with environmental
Carbon capture utilization and storage in review: Sociotechnical implications for a carbon reliant world
May 1, 2023 | Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews | Source | Introduction: Decarbonizing industries like steelmaking, cement production, and chemicals is challenging due to the limited availabili
How farming could become the ultimate climate-change tool
June 19, 2024 | Nature | Source |   Introduction: A freelance science journalist based in Sydney, Australia reviewed the role of farming in climate change mitigation. Key findings: Humanity faces two
How farmers approach soil carbon sequestration? Lessons learned from 105 carbon-farming plans
January 1, 2022 | Soil and Tillage Research | Source |   Introduction: Soil carbon sequestration is a key method for mitigating climate change by storing carbon in agricultural soils. To explore this,
Crediting agricultural soil carbon sequestration
March 17, 2022 | Science | Source |  Introduction: The voluntary carbon market is rapidly expanding, with various carbon registries and private companies developing protocols to pay farmers for seques
The future of plant-based diets: Aligning healthy marketplace choices with equitable, resilient, and sustainable food systems
May 1, 2024 | Annual Review of Public Health | Source | Introduction: Sustainable diets have evolved alongside the UN Sustainable Development Goals, incorporating goals in terms of agricultural produc
Social influence and climate change issues affecting consumer behavioral intention toward carbon footprint label: A study of Taiwanese consumers
March 10, 2024 | Journal of Cleaner Production | Source | Introduction: In response to global climate change concerns, efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have intensified, carbon footpri
Statistical inference method for Korean low-carbon certificate criteria of agricultural products to reflect uncertain conditions
April 20, 2023 | Journal of Cleaner Production | Source | Introduction: South Korea aims to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 7.9% by 2030 in agriculture, forestry, and livestock industries, an
Socio-demographic and cross-country differences in attention to sustainable certifications and changes in food consumption
June 1, 2024 | npj Science of Food | Source | Introduction: An Italian research team led University of Turin investigated how food labels and consumer awareness impact sustainable eating habits and re