Carbon Sequestration
Indonesia revokes license of world’s largest forestry offsets project
April 30, 2024 | The Straits Time | In Jakarta, the Indonesian government has revoked the license of one of the world’s largest carbon offsets projects in Central Kalimantan, Borneo, covering over 36,
Verra initiates revision of agricultural land management methodology
May 17, 2024 | Verra | Verra is launching a significant revision to the VM0042 Methodology for Improved Agricultural Land Management, leading to version 3.0. This update, critical for scaling regenera
For achieving net zero agriculture by 2040, the Agri-Food Department holds an agricultural machinery exhibit (Taiwan)
April 02, 2024 | NOWnews | The Agriculture and Food Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) organized an exhibit on "Agricultural Machinery for Carbon Sequestration and Emission Reduction" at Ming
Biden-Harris Administration announces $145M from Investing in America agenda to help landowners access climate markets
March 15, 2024 | USDA | The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service is allocating nearly USD145 million, the largest climate investment to date, from President Biden’s Inflation Reduction
Can you get rich by planting trees? Fuhua President Hong Qichang: Carbon sequestration project shall develop understory economy
December 09, 2023 | UDN, Taiwan | Taiwan's new Minister of Environmental Protection Peng Qiming stresses the importance of establishing appropriate method for setting carbon pricing during his ina
Ecological conservation park within flood retention zone to be First registered forest carbon sequestration project
April 15, 2024 | Agri-Harvest, Taiwan | In 2019, Taiwan's Environmental Protection Administration approved the nation's first methodology for "natural carbon sequestration" for afforestation a
Blue carbon methodology if approved can bring in carbon credits: Scholars states restoration site locations need careful evaluation
May 02, 2024 | UDN, Taiwan | On April 16, Taiwan's Ministry of Environment announced a draft plan to include "mangrove planting" and "seagrass restoration" as methods for greenhouse gas reduction.
Mangrove forests, seagrass has high carbon sequestration potential, new methodology in review
April 15, 2024 | Agri-Harvest, Taiwan  | In response to Taiwan's 2050 net-zero emissions policy, methods for sequestering carbon in seagrass beds and mangroves were submitted for review by the Min
Introducing CHAR by Toucan: The first liquid market for biochar credits
March 05, 2024 | Toucan  | CHAR, the first liquid market for biochar credits, has been launched by Toucan, facilitating automated buying and selling of CO2 Removal Certificates (CORCs) issued by Puro.
Carbon Trading on the Road: Taiwan Carbon Exchange introduced international carbon credits into local market, local carbon credits from agriculture and nature-based solutions are to be next
April 15, 2024 | Agri-Harvest, Taiwan | The Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange (TCSE) listed its first batch of international carbon credits for trading in the local market at the end of 2023, including
Carbon credits are only one of the many benefits of carbon farming: Taiwan Ministry of Agriculture seeks collaboration with corporate sector in ESG in financing sustainable farming
April 26, 2024 | Agri-Harvest, Taiwan | Taiwan's Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) highlights the challenges and opportunities in agricultural carbon credits. While the credits are lauded for their ro
USDA Announces Progress on Newly Authorized Climate Programs
February 27, 2024 | USDA | The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has made significant progress on key climate initiatives in 2024. They have published a report justifying the establishment of the