Policy Incentives, Financing, Pricing
Voluntary Carbon Credit buyers willing to pay more For quality
December 04, 2023 | Carbon credits | The latest "State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2023" report by Ecosystem Marketplace reveals a significant shift in the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM). Despite a
Can livestock and rice farming earn carbon credits and participate in carbon market?
December 09, 2023 | our island, Taiwan |  Hanbao Livestock Farm in Changhua County, Taiwan, has implemented sustainable practices to reduce methane emissions and greenhouse gases. With over 40,000 pig
Indian Farmers Rack Up Carbon Credits with Climate-Conscious Ways
December 12, 2023 | Eco-business | In India, a growing number of farmers are adopting climate-friendly agriculture practices to generate carbon credits, creating a new revenue stream. Firms like Grow
Cultivation of Seaweed between Off-shore Wind Turbines in Taiwan for Achieving Green Energy, Carbon Sequestration, and Fishery Conservation (In Chinese)
October 26, 2023 | Agricultural Science and Technology Decision Information Platform, Taiwan | Taiwan's Fisheries Research Institute and the National Applied Research Laboratories have successfull
Taiwan National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan to Promote Environmental Sustainability across Discplines (In Chinese)
November 19, 2023 | Youth Daily News, Taiwan | Taiwan's Ministry of the Environment has unveiled the "National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan," emphasizing both mitigation and adaptation, w
Carbon Removal Startups Are Finding More Places and Funds to Store CO <sub>2</sub>
November 01, 2023 | Carbon Credits | Startups in the carbon removal sector are experiencing a surge in investor interest, securing hundreds of millions in funding. These ventures offer diverse solutio
The Digital Divide for Food, Land, and Water Systems: What is it and what can be done?
November 13, 2023 | Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research | Researchers led by the International Water Management Institute proposed a holistic framework to address the digital di
President Biden Announces Over $5 Billion to Support Rural Communities During Investing in Rural America Event Series
November 01, 2023 | USDA Press | United States President Biden has announced over $5 billion in new investments for rural America as part of the Investing in Rural America Event Series. The investment
Social Cost of Carbon: A Tool to Measure the Economic Impact of Carbon Emissions and Guide Decision-Making in Climate Adaptation
October 17, 2023 | | Climate change, propelled by factors like fossil fuels and deforestation, has far-reaching socioeconomic impacts. Beyond rising temperatures, changing precipitation patt
Agricultural Machinery Sharing Program for Lowering Production Cost and Carbon Emissions (In Chinese)
September 15, 2023 | Agri-Harvest, Taiwan  | Taiwan's Agriculture Ministry launched an initiative under the "Agricultural Machinery Cultivation Service System" framwork to promote sharing of agric
Livestock Farmers from Sweden to Greece Test Paths to Greener Agriculture
September 24, 2023 | Phys.Org  |  Livestock farmers in Germany, Italy, Sweden, and the UK are shifting towards sustainable practices by feeding cows mainly or exclusively grass, aiming to reduce envir
Royal Bank of Canada Proposes a 9-Point Plan for Climate-Smart Agriculture
October 03, 2023 | Royal Bank of Canada |  The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) collaborated with BCG's Centre for Canada’s Future and the Arrell Food Institute at the University of Guelph to explore Ca
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