Carbon Market
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The Blue Carbon Ecosystem Data and Model Assessment Report
California Ocean Protection Council | Source | Download | The Blue Carbon Ecosystem Data and Model Assessment Report, recently released by the State of California, is a critical tool for advancing blu
IUCN - International policy framework for blue carbon ecosystems
International Union for Conservation of Nature | Source | Download |Blue carbon ecosystems, including mangroves, seagrasses, and tidal marshes, are crucial for climate mitigation, biodiversity, food s
Carbon Credit Methodology for Home Food Recycling
Gold Standard | Source | Download | A new methodology, approved by the Gold Standard, enables the issuance of carbon credits for decentralized organic waste processing. Developed by Lomi in collaborat
Agricultural Soil Carbon Credits: Making sense of protocols for carbon sequestration and net greenhouse gas removals
Environmental Defense Fund | Source | Download | Agriculture impacts climate change through greenhouse gas emissions and land use changes but also holds potential for mitigation through soil organic c
VM0042 Methodology for Improved Agricultural Land Management v2.0
VERRA | Source | Download | Verra, a leading organization in voluntary carbon markets, developed the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program to ensure the credibility of GHG emission reductions. The ve
Aug 27, 2024
Setting up and implementing result-based carbon farming mechanisms in the EU Technical guidance handbook
European Commission | Source | Download |  The Technical Guidance Handbook provides essential support for developing result-based payment schemes for carbon farming in the EU. Funded by the European C
Framework for Voluntary Carbon Market in Agriculture Sector
India Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare | Source | Download | India's agriculture sector is a cornerstone of the economy, employing 54.6% of the workforce and contributing 18.6% of the
Actions to transform food systems under climate change
CGIAR | Source  | Download | The current state of global food systems is inadequate, marked by failures in production, nutrition, equity, and environmental sustainability. Climate change exacerbates t
Recipe for a Livable Planet: Achieving Net Zero Emissions in the Agrifood System
World Bank | Source | Download  | The "Recipe for a Livable Planet" presents the first comprehensive global strategic framework aimed at mitigating the agrifood system's significant contributions
A close look at the quality of REDD+ carbon credits
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit | Source | Download   | The use of carbon credits to offset greenhouse gas emissions is increasing among companies worldwide. However, evaluatin
California’s Compliance Offset Program
California Air Resources Board | Source | Download | California's Compliance Offset Program, an integral part of the Cap-and-Trade Program, provides a crucial avenue for reducing greenhouse gas (G
May 17, 2024
California Cap-and-Trade Program (USA)
California Air Resources Board | Source | Download | California's Cap-and-Trade Program is pivotal in the state's commitment to curbing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, aligning with Assembly B
May 17, 2024