Why carbon ratings are only part of the regenerative agriculture story

June 25, 2024 | SustainableViews |  

Investors and companies are increasingly recognizing the need for comprehensive metrics to evaluate regenerative agriculture, as carbon sequestration is only one aspect of this practice. BeZero Carbon recently introduced its first rating for a regenerative agriculture project, indicating a moderate likelihood of carbon removal or avoidance. However, experts emphasize that regenerative agriculture involves various outcomes beyond carbon, such as soil health, water retention, and biodiversity.

Rabobank, with its agricultural heritage, is supporting regenerative practices through collaborations with companies like McCain and initiatives such as EarthOptics, which uses technology for better soil data. Rabobank and other stakeholders are working to address the lack of a common framework for evaluating regenerative agriculture's full benefits.

Ryan Cameron of Regenerate Asset Management highlights the need for a holistic approach, stressing that regenerative agriculture should be assessed through a broad range of metrics, not just carbon. Meanwhile, companies like Heineken and Vivescia are developing comprehensive models to measure multiple outcomes of regenerative practices.

The Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform is working on a global framework focusing on key impact areas. As the EU considers shifting its agricultural subsidies to performance-based payments, the One Planet Business for Biodiversity coalition is also developing strategies to scale investments in regenerative agriculture.