Greenhouse Accounting Frameworks (GAF) for Australian Primary Industries

Zero Net Emissions Agriculture Cooperative Research Centre | Source |  

The Greenhouse Accounting Frameworks (GAF) for Australian Primary Industries provide tools to measure and manage greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across various agricultural sectors, including dairy, sheep, beef, cropping, and more. These tools align with Australia's National Greenhouse Gas Inventory, allowing farmers to predict and track emissions from their operations, including direct emissions (Scope 1), electricity use (Scope 2), and upstream inputs (Scope 3). Regular updates ensure that the tools reflect current national standards, aiding policymakers, markets, and the public in understanding Australia’s progress toward its emissions targets. Additionally, while the tools do not calculate changes in soil organic carbon, the SOCRATES model offers a method to estimate this change. These resources support farm-level carbon audits, contributing to more sustainable agricultural practices.


NOTE: The Primary Industries Climate Challenges Centre (PICCC) will close on 1 July 2024, to consolidate all its research and education into the ZERO NET EMISSIONS Agriculture CRC (ZNE Ag CRC)