Carbon Credit Methodology for Home Food Recycling

Gold Standard | Source Download

A new methodology, approved by the Gold Standard, enables the issuance of carbon credits for decentralized organic waste processing. Developed by Lomi in collaboration with Carbonomics, this methodology allows projects to earn Verified Emissions Reductions (VERs) by avoiding methane emissions from landfills and reducing transportation-related emissions.

Key Points

  • Carbon Credit Generation: The methodology supports decentralized, on-site processing of organic waste at households and commercial establishments. This reduces methane emissions by preventing waste from reaching landfills.
  • Emission Reduction Impact: By processing waste locally, projects eliminate the need for transporting organic waste to centralized facilities, further lowering greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
  • Eligibility Criteria: Projects must demonstrate additionality, ensuring that the activity is not legally mandated and that carbon finance is crucial for its implementation. Organic waste such as kitchen and vegetable waste is eligible for this methodology.
  • Global Applicability: This methodology can be applied globally and supports activities of varying scales, from micro to large-scale projects.

Policy Implications: The adoption of this methodology can catalyze the reduction of landfill-related emissions, supporting global efforts to achieve Net-Zero targets. Policymakers should encourage decentralized waste processing initiatives by integrating them into waste management strategies, offering incentives for participation, and promoting the use of carbon credits to fund sustainable waste practices.