Guelph-Wellington Civic Data Utility Project: Food Future Data Hub

Guelph Wellington| Source | Data

The Guelph-Wellington Civic Data Utility aims to foster a circular food economy by facilitating data collaboration across the food supply chain. Spearheaded by Our Food Future and Alectra Utilities' Green Energy & Technology Centre, the initiative will launch the Our Food Future Data Hub to share and map food-related data from various collaborators. This project will explore use cases such as collaborative responses to COVID-19 challenges among restaurants, data sharing among farmers for local environmental insights, and adjustments in food relief services based on data.

Initial collaborators include the City of Guelph, the County of Wellington, Ontario's Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the University of Guelph, Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health, Towards Common Ground, and the Upper Grand District School Board. The project ensures privacy through distributed governance, where data owners control sharing and usage. An Advisory Committee of experts will oversee the project, ensuring adherence to principles of openness and transparency and setting performance metrics.

The Food Future Data Hub is an innovation platform where we will share data with our community, build maps, apps and other tools to tell stories, gain insights on our food ecosystem, and transform waste into a resource.