Can mixing agriculture and forestry work? New solutions for agriculture in adjusting to warming
July 21, 2024 | TVBS, Taiwan |
In Taiwan, agriculture is increasingly threatened by extreme climate changes. The government is promoting agroforestry—integrating tree planting into farmland—to combat these issues. This approach is being implemented in regions like Nantou's Lushan, where a tea plantation has incorporated tree planting over the past decade. These trees not only provide shade for tea plants but also enhance soil conservation and water retention.
Agroforestry practices, such as planting trees alongside crops, are becoming more popular as they offer multiple benefits, including improved carbon sequestration and reduced soil erosion. While tree planting on farmland may initially reduce crop yields, it contributes to a more resilient agricultural system. Taiwan’s mountainous and sloped lands, which cover a significant portion of the country, are particularly suited for these practices.
Experts emphasize that integrating trees into agricultural systems can improve environmental sustainability and help mitigate climate change impacts. However, challenges remain, including balancing land use between agriculture and forestry. Despite these obstacles, agroforestry is seen as a promising strategy for enhancing Taiwan's agricultural resilience in the face of global warming.
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