How rethinking the value of blue carbon could help to support local communities

July 30, 2024 | World Economic Forum |

A new perspective on blue carbon, the carbon stored in coastal ecosystems like mangroves and seagrasses, could enhance local community support and conservation efforts. Traditionally valued primarily for carbon sequestration, these ecosystems offer additional benefits, including food, income, and protection, crucial for local and indigenous communities.

Recent insights stress that blue carbon projects should prioritize a rights-based approach, integrating historical resource, indigenous rights, and gender equity. By recognizing these ecosystems' broad benefits as core rather than secondary, projects can address the diverse needs of local communities and improve project outcomes.

Successful blue carbon initiatives focus on mitigating ecosystem loss and working closely with communities to ensure their needs are met. For instance, small-scale projects, like Kenya’s Mikoko Pamoja and mangrove restoration in the Philippines, demonstrate how integrating community needs with carbon projects can enhance sustainability and financial viability.

With growing demand for blue carbon credits, ensuring that projects fairly benefit local communities while preserving ecosystem services is crucial. This approach fosters more equitable, effective, and sustainable conservation practices, aligning with global climate and community goals.

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