The Blue Carbon Ecosystem Data and Model Assessment Report

California Ocean Protection Council | Source Download |


The Blue Carbon Ecosystem Data and Model Assessment Report, recently released by the State of California, is a critical tool for advancing blue carbon ecosystem management and investment. Developed collaboratively by the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC), the California Air Resources Board (CARB), and Dr. Melissa Ward from Windward Sciences, the report provides a comprehensive evaluation of California’s blue carbon ecosystems, including tidal marshes, seagrass meadows, and kelp forests.


  • Ecosystem Benefits: These blue carbon ecosystems are pivotal in carbon sequestration and offer multiple benefits including enhanced fisheries, increased biodiversity, improved water quality, and recreational and cultural values.
  • Data and Model Assessment: The report assesses recent data advancements, particularly for tidal marshes, and their integration into CARB’s 2027 Scoping Plan.
  • Framework and Criteria: It outlines essential definitions, frameworks, and criteria for incorporating blue carbon ecosystems into carbon inventory and target modeling. This includes a focus on scalability, transparency, and complexity to ensure effective climate mitigation.
  • Implications: The report serves as a valuable resource for policymakers, researchers, and investors, aiding in the development of robust models and inventories for blue carbon ecosystems. By integrating these ecosystems into climate strategies, California can enhance its climate resilience and support sustainable development goals.


Next Steps

  • Adopt Recommendations: Implement the outlined definitions and frameworks in future blue carbon assessments.
  • Increase Investment: Leverage the report to drive investment in blue carbon projects and initiatives.
  • Enhance Collaboration: Foster ongoing collaboration between state agencies, scientists, and stakeholders to advance blue carbon initiatives.


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