
CGIAR| Source |


The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, established in 2019 as part of CGIAR, is committed to transforming agrifood systems through research and innovation. Their unified strategy addresses critical global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, environmental degradation, and malnutrition by employing a whole-of-system approach.

Working across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), Sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia, the Alliance focuses on key research areas and cross-cutting themes, including Food Environments & Consumer Behavior, Multifunctional Landscapes, Climate Action, Agrobiodiversity, Digital Inclusion, Crops for Nutrition and Health, and Gender and Youth Inclusion.

The platform provides diverse resources, such as publications, datasets, and tools, supporting science-based decision-making, modeling, monitoring, data collection, outreach, training, and impact assessments. These empower stakeholders to drive sustainable, resilient, and inclusive agrifood systems with research-backed solutions.

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