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Farmery, born in November 2020, is an open-source smart farm management system powered by NodeJS, Vue.JS, and MongoDB. Its genesis arose from a global mission to equip farmers worldwide with technology, bridging the gap between traditional farming and modern innovation. This visionary project integrates an array of sensors, smart devices, task management, and automation processes to revolutionize farming practices, allowing for efficient and remote management.

Whether you're a seasoned farm owner, a curious scientist, a dedicated grower, or a forward-thinking researcher, Farmery offers a versatile solution to streamline your agricultural endeavors. While it may be a small project in its current form, Farmery welcomes collaboration and expansion, eagerly seeking partners to amplify its impact.

Farmery represents a transformative journey, marked by innovation and user-friendly tools designed to simplify every facet of cultivation. With Farmery at your disposal, you gain the power to remotely oversee tasks, harness real-time sensor data, and effortlessly orchestrate automation, all within a single platform. Welcome to the future of farming – welcome to Farmery.