Roboflow Universe - Top Agriculture Datasets

Roboflow | Source | Database 

Founded in January 2020, Roboflow is on a mission to simplify computer vision for developers. They streamline data labeling and model training, making machine learning accessible to all. Recognizing the challenges, they faced when building their own applications, they created a user-friendly platform. Backed by top investors, including Craft Ventures and Y Combinator, Roboflow aims to remove barriers to success in computer vision. With a track record of award-winning projects, Roboflow's team understands the complexities of machine learning. Their goal is to provide efficient solutions for taking ML projects to production.

Top Agriculture Datasets: The use-cases for computer vision in agriculture are endless. From weed detection, to crop disease treatment, to automated spraying via drones, to autonomous tractors, to color sorting, to livestock monitoring, these datasets and pre-trained models can be used to optimize farmers' productivity, and boost yield, decrease costs, and increase profits. In addition to these curated agriculture datasets, thousands more datasets are available for free on Roboflow Universe.