National Mission on Natural Farming (India)

Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, India | Source | Download 

The National Mission on Natural Farming, known as Bhartiya Prakratik Krishi Paddhati (NF-BPKP), represents a significant shift in India's agricultural practices towards sustainability, self-sufficiency, and eco-friendliness. Rooted in traditional Indian farming methods, this mission promotes chemical-free farming, harnessing locally available resources, and leveraging livestock. NF-BPKP focuses on principles such as biomass mulching, year-round green cover, multi-species green manuring, and the use of on-farm desi cow dung-urine formulations for nutrient and soil management. It encourages diversity, multi-cropping systems, and botanical extracts for plant protection while avoiding the use of externally purchased inputs, including organic or biological substances.

The need for NF-BPKP arises from the adverse environmental effects of the Green Revolution, including soil degradation, resource depletion, and contamination. This mission offers a sustainable, low-cost alternative that enriches soil health, enhances microbial activity, and restores natural nutrient cycles. It also reduces vulnerability to pest attacks, ensuring safer and healthier agricultural practices.

Distinguished from organic farming, NF-BPKP strictly excludes all external inputs, emphasizing the self-sufficiency of farmers. The Indian government is actively promoting both organic and natural farming systems, recognizing their value in achieving sustainable agriculture.

To further its impact, the government has up-scaled NF-BPKP to the "National Mission on Natural Farming," focusing on documentation, dissemination of best practices, capacity building, and attracting farmers to adopt this system willingly. The mission's objectives encompass reducing dependence on external inputs, increasing farmer income, integrating agriculture and animal husbandry models, and promoting participatory research and awareness. It also seeks to establish standards, certification procedures, and branding for natural farming products for national and international markets.