AnimalAccML: An open-source graphical user interface for automated behavior analytics of individual animals using triaxial accelerometers and machine learning


The University of Georgia conducted a study to design and develop a user-friendly tool for customized machine learning model development and animal behavior analysis using accelerometer data. Automated collection of accelerometer data and machine learning modeling are common methods for recognizing animal behavior, but there is a lack of accessible tools for these tasks.

The researchers created a graphical user interface programmed in Python, which is publicly available for open access. The interface includes pages for managing projects, preprocessing data, developing models, and analyzing behavior. They used an open dataset of triaxial accelerometer data from six beef cattle to test the interface.

The results showed that users can easily customize machine learning models for behavior analysis through the interface. They can select and train from 15 different models to find the optimal one. Model performance can be improved by adjusting parameters such as window size, step size, and training-to-validation ratio. The tool also addresses data imbalance by merging minority classes into one. The developed model allows for analyzing overall behavior time budget, behavior duration statistics (mean, minimum, maximum, standard deviation), and frequency of behavior sequences.

This tool is significant for automated animal behavior analysis, which can contribute to improving animal welfare, housing environments, genetics selection, and flock management.

The overall workflow of the AnimalAccML for customized machine learning model development and behavior analysis based on accelerometer data. Green color indicates operations on Home page; blue color indicates operations on ‘Manage Projects’ page; gold color indicates operations on ‘Preprocess Data’ page; orange color indicates operations on ‘Develop Models’ page; and red color indicates operations on ‘Analyze Behavior’ page. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)