What is “digital” about fish? A Policy Guide for the Commonwealth

May 23, 2023 | The Commonwealth |


The artisanal fisheries sector is a crucial source of food and income for millions of people in the Commonwealth countries. However, it faces various challenges like climate change, overfishing, and dangerous working conditions. To address these issues and attract the youth to the profession, digitalization is being explored as a potential solution.

The release of "The State of Digital Fisheries in the Commonwealth – A Baseline Report 2023" shows that digitalization in the fisheries sector is already underway across the Commonwealth. The report emphasizes the need for a policy approach to digitalization, focusing on three pillars: digital innovations, data infrastructure, and business development, as well as an enabling environment.

Different regions within the Commonwealth have varying degrees of progress in digital fisheries. Africa uses Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) and vessel monitoring systems, while Asia relies on donor-driven innovations. The Caribbean and Americas mainly use basic digital solutions, and the Pacific region has disjointed progress with several initiatives.

Overall, digitalization has the potential to transform artisanal fisheries, but it requires a supportive policy-enabling environment and investment to ensure increased food security and socio-economic well-being for coastal communities.