Comprehensive Package for Promoting Smart Agriculture (Japan)

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) | Source | Download

After conducting an extensive analysis of the "Smart Agriculture Project" in alignment with the Basic Plan for Food, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries has crafted a comprehensive strategy with the aim of accelerating the integration of smart agriculture practices within the agricultural sector. This strategy, aptly named the "Comprehensive Package for Promoting Smart Agriculture," encompasses a wide range of initiatives presently underway in agricultural demonstration projects across the nation.

This comprehensive package revolves around six key pillars that delineate the direction of their efforts:

  1. Demonstration and Analysis of Smart Agriculture: The ministry is wholeheartedly committed to conducting thorough demonstrations and in-depth analyses of smart agriculture practices.
  2. Cultivation and Dissemination of Agricultural Support Services: There is an active push to promote the cultivation and widespread dissemination of agricultural support services, with the primary objective being the reduction of initial costs associated with adopting smart agriculture technologies.
  3. Further Technology Development: A dedicated focus on the continuous development of cutting-edge agricultural technologies is a top priority.
  4. Strengthening Technological Responsiveness and Human Resource Development: Simultaneous efforts to fortify their ability to swiftly respond to technological advancements while nurturing a pool of skilled human resources within the field.
  5. Practical Environment: The ministry is committed to creating a practical and enabling environment conducive to the successful implementation of smart agriculture practices.
  6. Overseas Expansion: Their strategy also includes plans for extending the reach of smart agriculture initiatives beyond national borders.

Of significance is the ministry's ambition to enable nearly all farmers to engage in data-based agriculture by the year 2025. To achieve this ambitious goal, they have devised a series of strategies:

  1. Smart Support Teams: The establishment of smart support teams, consisting of producers, private businesses, and other stakeholders with expertise acquired through demonstrations. These teams will play a crucial role in providing essential support to production areas actively embracing new technologies.
  2. Agricultural Support Services: A comprehensive support system will be extended to producers and production areas that express interest in smart agriculture but encounter obstacles in pursuing it independently. Agricultural support services are set to be instrumental in facilitating this journey.
  3. Data Support from Extension Instructors: The ministry is unwavering in its commitment to providing data support through the expertise of extension instructors, which will further enhance the adoption of smart agriculture practices.

Through this all-encompassing approach to supporting producers and guiding production areas, the ministry's goal is to harness local data to its fullest potential while concurrently cultivating a skilled workforce fully dedicated to the advancement of smart agriculture.