European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC)

The European Soil Data Center | Source | Data hub |

The European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) is a comprehensive repository of soil-related information and datasets, offering a wealth of resources primarily focused on the European scale. The European Soil Database (ESDB) is an important source of data from many other data and services are derived. For instance, the “European Soil Database v2 Raster Library” contains raster (grid) data files with cell sizes of both 1km x 1km and 10km x 10km for many soil related parameters. The 10km x 10km raster data are in the public domain access and allow expert users to use the data for instance to run soil, water and air related models. The 1km x 1km raster data are available after a prior registration. However, where feasible, the center also provides links to national and global datasets to ensure a broader perspective.

The datasets within ESDAC are thoughtfully categorized into several key groups:

  1. European Soil Database (ESDB) and Soil Properties: In this category, you will find datasets that have been generated using the ESDB, as well as general European datasets that encompass various soil properties. These resources serve as a foundation for understanding soil characteristics across the European continent.
  2. Soil Threats: The second category encompasses datasets related to various soil threats, including erosion, soil organic carbon levels, landslides, compaction, salinization, soil biodiversity, contaminated sites, soil sealing, and more. These datasets offer insights into the challenges and vulnerabilities that soils in Europe may face.
  3. Soil Functions: In the third category, you'll discover datasets that delve into soil functions. These datasets shed light on the roles and capabilities of soils in supporting ecosystems, agriculture, and other critical functions. Understanding these functions is essential for sustainable land management.
  4. Soil Point Data: The fourth category houses soil point data, including information from initiatives such as LUCAS and SPADE. These point datasets provide detailed, location-specific information that can be invaluable for localized studies and analyses.
  5. Project-Derived Data: Lastly, the fifth category comprises data originating from various projects. These datasets result from collaborative efforts and research endeavors, offering specialized insights into specific soil-related topics.
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European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC)
The European Soil Data Center | Source | Data hub | The European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) is a comprehensive repository of soil-related information and datasets, offering a wealth of resources primari
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