New digital tool enables farmers' decisions for sustainable agriculture

June 5, 2023 | 

An international team of researchers from Germany, France, and the Czech Republic has developed a "digital decision support tool" called the Digital Agricultural Knowledge and Information System (DAKIS). DAKIS is designed to facilitate the transition towards more diversified and sustainable agricultural systems. It integrates data from various sources and provides a framework for linking scientific knowledge with strategic decision-making and farm management.

The agriculture sector has shifted its focus from solely delivering agricultural products and services to considering environmental aspects like ecosystem services, biodiversity, land use, and climate change. DAKIS aims to support this "paradigm shift in priorities" by promoting multifunctional and sustainable farming practices. The tool utilizes digital technologies to analyze large data sets, extract critical insights, involve citizen science, and provide actionable crop management options.

DAKIS is currently being tested in agriculturally diverse regions in Germany. It has the potential to transform agriculture and promote more resilient and sustainable food systems by enabling farmers to make informed decisions that consider ecosystem services and sustainability. However, successful adoption will require support from farm-level actors, industries, and policymakers. The flexible design of DAKIS allows for future innovations and data connections to keep pace with rapidly developing digital technologies in agriculture.