Australian Farm Data Code

National Farmers’ Federation | Source | Download |  

The Australian Farm Data Code aims to promote adoption of digital technology, by ensuring that farmers have comfort in how their data is used, managed, and shared.

The Australian Farm Data Code, developed and adopted by the National Farmers' Federation (NFF) in consultation with industry and with support from the Australian Government, is a voluntary code of conduct that aims to inform data management policies for product and service providers handling data on behalf of farmers. It provides a framework for farmers to assess data terms and policies of providers, enhancing their understanding of data collection, usage, and sharing. Likewise, service providers benefit from clear and agreed-upon data policies and a helpful framework for discussions with farmers. The Code's adoption brings several advantages, including improved industry-wide data practices, informed negotiations on data terms, and increased awareness of data management practices. Providers complying with the Code can undergo independent assessment by the NFF and, if fully compliant, become certified. The Code's governance involves collaboration among various stakeholders, including farmers, researchers, industry experts, and technology providers, with regular reviews to adapt to industry changes through consultations with the wider farming and industry community.