2023 GAP Report: Only by working together will agricultural productivity meet demand

December 04, 2023 | Phys.Org  | 


The 2023 Global Agricultural Productivity Report, "Every Farmer, Every Tool," emphasizes the critical role of sustainable agricultural productivity growth in meeting global food security and environmental goals. Current efforts to expand production are deemed insufficient as global agricultural productivity growth has slowed. The report advocates for a higher target productivity growth rate of 1.91 percent annually to meet global agricultural needs sustainably.

GAP Report identifies the need to provide every farmer with access to productivity-enhancing technologies and efficient practices, such as improved genetics, precision agriculture, soil health and managemnet, integrated production systems, and pest and disease management, mechanization and automation, and knowledge platforms.

Sustainable productivity growth, recognized as a key solution, requires collaboration across public, private, and civil sectors. The report offers six data-driven policy and investment priorities to drive actionable steps, including investing in research, embracing science-based technologies, improving infrastructure, cultivating partnerships, expanding trade, and reducing post-harvest loss and food waste.