The Digital Divide for Food, Land, and Water Systems: What is it and what can be done?

November 13, 2023 | Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research 

Researchers led by the International Water Management Institute proposed a holistic framework to address the digital divide in rural areas, emphasizing digital innovation, ecosystems, targeted actors, and key dimensions of access, use, benefits, participation, and consequences. A (DII) prototype is under development, focusing on providing a solution-oriented measure for digital inclusivity. The framework aims to ensure tangible benefits, inclusive participation, and safeguards against potential harm from digital technologies. Stakeholder consultations in six countries contributed to the development, recognizing that digital divides impact marginalized groups, including women, indigenous communities, and youth. The DII's operationalization is part of the CGIAR Initiative on Digital Innovation, involving testing, validation, case studies, and the establishment of a web portal.