Copernicus Climate Change Service

European Commission | Source | DataGuide |

The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) offers climate intelligence information to a diverse audience, including policymakers, meteorological agencies, the media, and the public. Key publications include monthly Climate Bulletins and the annual European State of the Climate report, providing analyses of climate conditions and events globally, in Europe, and polar regions. C3S contributes to climate intelligence through regular updates of Climate Indicators, aiding the comprehension of long-term global and regional climate trends. These products, based on various climate data, vary in timing and scope and come with documentation and guidance for production and utilization.

The year 2023 has officially become the warmest on record, surpassing 2016. Global temperatures averaged 14.98°C, 0.17°C higher than 2016. This warming trend, exceeding the pre-industrial level by 1.48°C, is linked to a shift from La Niña to El Niño conditions. Notably, each month from June to December 2023 was warmer than in any previous year. July and August set records as the warmest months, contributing to the warmest boreal summer. The daily global temperature in 2023 consistently exceeded 1°C above the pre-industrial level, marking the first time every day within a year surpassed this threshold. The record-breaking warmth, influenced by El Niño and high sea surface temperatures, also resulted in extreme events worldwide, such as heatwaves, floods, droughts, and wildfires. Forecasts suggest 2024 could be even warmer. Greenhouse gas concentrations, including carbon dioxide and methane, continued to rise, reaching record levels.