
Government of Canada | June 2, 2022 | Source | Download 

Canada's 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan outlines actions to combat climate change and build a resilient economy. With rising temperatures, reducing pollution and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 are crucial. The plan targets a 40-45% reduction in emissions by 2030, with $9.1 billion in investments. It includes measures like carbon pricing, clean fuels, and sector-specific actions for buildings, vehicles, industry, and agriculture. These actions will create jobs and economic opportunities while reducing emissions. The plan reflects input from over 30,000 Canadians, emphasizing affordability and job creation alongside climate action. It is an evergreen roadmap, guiding emission reduction efforts and responding to new opportunities. The plan fulfills the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act and will be reviewed through progress reports. It addresses various sectors, including energy efficiency, renewable electricity, clean technology, nature-based solutions, and support for farmers. It also maintains Canada's approach to pricing pollution. Cutting emissions means sustainable jobs, a resilient economy, affordable living, clean air, reduced inequality, and enhanced climate resilience. The plan uses economic modeling to chart a pathway to Canada's 2030 target, considering each sector's potential to reduce emissions. Measures will be updated to align with evolving technologies and opportunities.