Voluntary Carbon Credit buyers willing to pay more For quality

December 04, 2023 | Carbon credits | 

The latest "State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2023" report by Ecosystem Marketplace reveals a significant shift in the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM). Despite a 51% decline in transaction volumes, there's an 82% surge in average carbon credit prices, reaching a 15-year high. Smaller yet dedicated purchasers are consolidating the market, showing a preference for high-integrity and high-quality voluntary carbon credits with co-benefits. Nature-based credits, constituting 46% of the market, saw prices more than double. Credits with environmental and social co-benefits commanded a 78% price premium, emphasizing buyer preference for projects aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals. Newer credits and CORSIA-eligible credits also commanded higher prices. The report underscores a market shift towards integrity and quality, reflecting increased buyer sophistication.