COP28: FAO spotlights agrifood systems’ potential to address climate impacts and achieve 1.5°C goal

December 13, 2023 | FAO | 

During the UN Climate Conference (COP28) in Dubai, FAO and its partners emphasized the role of agrifood systems in climate solutions. FAO Director-General QU Dongyu led a delegation that launched significant reports, including a Global Roadmap to eradicate hunger while keeping the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement. The Emirates Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems, and Climate Action, endorsed by over 150 countries, was a key focus, emphasizing the transformative potential of agriculture in responding to climate change. FAO also joined the Technical Cooperation Collaborative to implement the Declaration. The Agrifood Sharm-El Sheikh Support Program, a three-year initiative, was announced to facilitate dialogue and knowledge sharing among global and regional policymakers. FAO highlighted the role of agrifood systems in climate change adaptation during the Global Stocktake at a high-level event. The organization launched the Food and Agriculcure for Sustainable Transformation (FAST) partnership to address the decline in climate finance for agrifood systems, urging increased funding. Other key contributions included reports on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from global livestock systems, restoring mountain ecosystems, and a new phase of the EAF-Nansen Programme with Norway. FAO also signed crucial Memoranda of Understanding with Italy, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and the World Trade Organization during COP28. The organization participated in various events and launched partnerships, reinforcing its commitment to sustainable agrifood systems.