2023 to 2027 Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy (Canada)

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The Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy aligns with Canada's 2022-2026 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy, integrating UN Sustainable Development Goals. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's vision emphasizes innovation, sustainability, and resilience in the agriculture sector. Public consultations informed priorities, emphasizing support for farmers, food security, and environmental stewardship. Canada's agriculture sector is pivotal in ensuring a healthy and sustainable food system. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) is committed to supporting this goal through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP), aligning with the Guelph Statement's priority areas.

Key Strategies

  • Adopting Sustainable Practices: SCAP facilitates the adoption of sustainable farming practices and technologies, focusing on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving environmental outcomes like soil health and water quality.
  • Investing in Clean Technology: The Agricultural Clean Technology Program supports the development and adoption of clean technologies to mitigate emissions and promote sustainable growth in the agriculture sector.
  • Advancing Research and Innovation: AAFC's Strategic Plan for Science prioritizes research to address sectoral challenges, collaborating with farmers, Indigenous communities, and stakeholders to develop practical solutions.


  • Knowledge Building: Conduct research on agriculture's environmental impacts and collaborate with provinces to increase awareness of climate risks and opportunities.
  • Promotion of Clean Technology: Implement the Agricultural Clean Technology Program to facilitate the adoption of clean technologies across the sector.
  • Support for Sustainable Practices: Through SCAP, promote the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices and invest in innovative solutions through the AgriScience Program.
  • Climate Solutions: Implement initiatives like the Agricultural Climate Solutions Program to support the development and adoption of carbon-sequestering practices.