Singapore Green Plan 2030 - Strengthen food security 30 by 30 target

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The Singapore Green Plan 2030, initiated in February 2021, aims to mobilize a comprehensive national effort toward sustainable development, addressing climate change as a critical priority. The plan consists of five pillars: 1) City in Nature: Enhance green spaces and biodiversity conservation; 2) Energy Reset: Transition to cleaner and renewable energy sources; 3) Sustainable Living: Promote eco-friendly lifestyles and consumption patterns; 4) Green Economy: Foster sustainable economic growth and innovation; 5) Resilient Future: Strengthen resilience to climate change and environmental risks. The action plan consists of: 1) Pursue net zero emissions by 2050, leveraging technological innovation and policy measures; 2) Align with the Paris Agreement and commit to reducing emissions, contributing to global climate goals; 3) Support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, focusing on key SDGs such as climate action, clean energy, and sustainable cities, 4) Foster collaboration between government, industries, and the community to achieve sustainability targets.

30 by 30: Aligning with Singapore Green Plan 2030, Singapore is committing to produce 30% of nutritional needs locally by 2030.

  • Technology Adoption: Encouraging innovation in farming methods such as indoor multi-storey LED lighting and recirculating aquaculture systems to increase productivity.
  • Strategic Planning: Optimizing food production through holistic planning in areas like Lim Chu Kang and expanding sustainable fish farming in deeper southern waters.
  • Financial Support: Providing funding through the Agri-Cluster Transformation (ACT) fund for capability upgrades, innovation, and tech upscaling in the agri-food sector.
  • Research and Development: Investing in sustainable urban food production, future foods, and food safety through the Singapore Food Story R&D Programme.
  • Citizen Engagement: Promoting local produce branding to support sustainable growth of local farms and fostering community participation.
  • Wokforce Development: Collaborating with Institutes of Higher Learning to offer courses for developing a skilled agri-food workforce, creating employment opportunities.