National Soil Strategy (Australia)

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Introduction: Healthy soils are essential for achieving resilience to climate change, ensuring food security, and supporting economic growth. The National Soil Strategy (the Strategy) is a collaborative effort aimed at valuing, managing, and enhancing Australia's soil resources over the next 20 years. Developed in partnership with stakeholders, the Strategy outlines clear goals and objectives to drive coordinated action across various sectors.

Key Objectives

  • Prioritize Soil Health: Focus on restoring and protecting soil health through collaborative efforts in research, education, and governance.
  • Empower Innovation and Stewards: Support innovative approaches and empower land managers to adopt sustainable soil management practices.
  • Strengthen Knowledge and Capability: Enhance soil knowledge and build capacity among stakeholders to ensure effective soil conservation efforts.

Action Plan: By June 2022, the Australian Government will unveil a National Soil Strategy Action Plan detailing specific actions aligned with the Strategy's objectives. These actions will adhere to the SMART principles—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound—to ensure effectiveness and accountability.